Kryolan Foundation Stick Professional TV Paint Stick Make-up -FS 36

SKU:Kryolan foundation stick-FS 36

2 in stock


Oil free matte liquid formula
Full coverage and long lasting
Makes your eyes look beautiful all day long
Matte finish
Easy to apply
Blends evenly on skin
Suitable for all skin types
Commonly known as TV paint sticks
Water proof & all skin types
         ස්ටික් මේක්-අප් මූලික වශයෙන් නිර්මාණය කර ඇත්තේ මුහුණේ යෙදීම සඳහා වන නමුත් බෙල්ලේ සහ සිරුරේ යෙදීම් සඳහාද විශිෂ්ටයි.
         එය වේශ නිරූපණ යෙදුම් බොහොමයක් අතර ඉතා ජනප්‍රියයි
ස්ටික් මේක්-අප් සිහින්ව හා ඒකාකාරව, සිහින් සිදුරු සහිත තෙත් මේක්-අප් ස්පොන්ජියකින් යොදනු ලැබේ
         අයදුම් කිරීමට පහසුය
         සම මත ඒකාකාරව මුසු වේ
         සමේ වර්ණයට ගැලපෙන සහ සියලුම සම වර්ග සඳහා සුදුසු පරිදි නිෂ්පාදන
         ජල ආරක්ෂිත සහ සියලුම සම වර්ග
Aqua Cleans හෝ සබන් සහ ජලය සමඟ පහසුවෙන් ඉවත් කළ හැක.

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Product Description

Imported from UAE (Dubai) No expiry date available and valid for 3 years after opening the stick. Successfully proven cream make-up in stick form. The special base of TV Paint Stick allows gentle make-up application that provides effective covering at the same time. The Kryolan assortment is truly extraordinary -which makes this preparation indispensable for stage, film, TV, video work and more.
TV Paint Stick is Kryolan’s most popular foundation in stick form for those who want full coverage with a matt finish. This hybrid is based on a creamy fusion of oils and waxes making the product incredibly durable. With an average of more than 35% pigment coverage its concealing capabilities are excellent. It is popular worldwide and often used by celebrity make-up artists for the perfect highlight and contour applications as well as foundation base. It’s suitable for most skin types and can be sheered down using Make-up Blend if a lighter coverage is preferred. This foundation can be used in conjunction with any primer that complements the skin type. For removal Make-up Remover – Abschminke, Natural Cleansing Oil or Natural Cleansing Lotion are the best choices; they easily break down this full coverage foundation and leave the skin feeling moisturized and supple.